I know that the Wigwam Fisherman has taken a little break from the blog, but I just wanted all of you to know that everyday I wasn’t on here writing, it felt as if I had wasted a day…I won’t let that happen again.
We have plenty of exciting changes going on at the Wigwam Resort right now and I wish that everyone could checkout the transformation first hand. We have added some new members to our staff, which I believe will accentuate our mission here at the Wigwam Resort…service, service, service and more service. We are from this point on a service based company that just happens to offer, guided fishing trips (arguably the best fishery in the whole United States of America, Lake of the Woods), lodging (cabins or the lodge), restaurant (with the best food on Lake of the Woods) and a bar (which just happens to be, the hot spot for the best night life on the lake). I believe we have the entire package to make sure that all our guests leave the same way they arrive, HAPPY!
The fishing report is coming from my self first hand. Tom Briggs (Owner of the Wigwam), Rick Amundson and I have been out on the lake a few times this past week, still fishing for a keeper Sturgeon. We have yet to land the keeper, but we have caught plenty of fish (ranging from 24” –

Only four days away from the opener of Walleye fishing season here on Lake of the Woods, and that has everyone in frenzy. We are predicting a great summer for catching fish…my favorite fishery (Lake of the Woods) is stacked to brim with some awesome Walleye. This will be the same for years to come…our buddies with the DNR have done a great job up here, and I hope to be able to reap the rewards of their hard work over the past many years. If you have not yet fished Lake of the Woods, what are you waiting for? Call us today at the Wigwam Resort to make your reservation at (800) 448-9260. I want everyone to experience the excitement that I get to experience on a daily basis up here on Lake of the Woods.
I know that I have mentioned this in the past, but if you are the person that is in charge of putting together your fishing trips, please give me a call and I want to offer you a deal “that you can’t refuse”. We want as many people as humanly possible to experience the Wigwam Resort this summer/fall/winter/spring…we are very confident that after your stay with us you won’t want to try some place different next year. Our goal is to make new friends everyday…I can’t wait to meet and make many new friends everyday as the years pass.
My shout out today will go to my boys back in D-Town (Detroit), Paul Elsila, Luke Conlon and Mike Lodish…all of whom I can call my friend. Thanks for showing my brother, Mark and myself some great hospitality over the weekend…can’t wait till the bus pulls up to the Wigwam. I am looking forward to showing each of you what northern Minnesota is all about, and most importantly having each of you catch a nice big fish!
Happy fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort
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