Good afternoon to all!
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. Well today we were supposed to have a sunny day all day and no showers, but as the world turns, so do the weather reports. We have had a few scattered showers and it is a bit chilly, but on the plus side the fishing is still great! Don’t forget this weekend Poor Boys are blessing the Wigwam Resort with their presence again, and I can’t wait! If you haven’t heard them yet, what are you waiting for…they will be on stage at the world famous Wigwam Resort at 9 PM this Friday and Saturday night.
I was talking to a couple of people just this morning and the topic came up about the fishing standards on Lake of the Woods and how the expectation level is set so high. I wanted to address that today in my blog and put the record straight. Over the weekend we had a few guests that we had the pleasure of taking fishing and they made a couple comments that made me think a little bit, one in particular that I wanted to address. The comment was made that they had

expected to catch more fish…I asked them how many they had caught, and they said, we only caught 30 (between 3 guests). I said you only caught 30? I asked how big they were, they replied, well we caught our limit, but only caught 5 or 6 that were in the 24 to 27 inch range (5 to 7 lbs)…as my mouth hit the floor, I asked them, well how many did you expect to catch? They replied, we expected to catch maybe 60…I almost had a heart attack. I asked myself in my subconscious, have we oversold the fishing on a daily basis so that every patron that walks into any resort on Lake of the Woods expects to catch 60 fish on a daily basis? I asked them if they had ever been on another lake in America and had the success that they had on Lake of the Woods, they replied, no. I proceeded to ask them why they think on any given day that you could catch 60 Walleye’s on Lake of the Woods, they

replied, because we did it the last time we were up here, why not this time. I replied, it’s just like anything you do in life, there are never any guarantees and each day can bring a different outcome. I hope that we as resort owners and workers haven’t oversold the experience on the lake. Don’t get me wrong…I as much as the next guy that fishes Lake of the Woods on a frequent basis brags about the successes that I have, but I don’t want people to think they will have a bad experience on Lake of the Woods if they don’t catch 60 Walleye’s a day. I remember the days of growing up in International Falls on Rainy Lake, and having to drive an hour up into Canada by car and thinking a great day of fishing was catching one limit of 6 Walleye between 4 people…times have changed. I want to get into the fish everyday also, but if it doesn’t happen, then it just wasn’t meant to be that day. I want everyone to have a great time on Lake of the Woods, but let’s set the bar where it needs to be. These are just my thoughts that I wanted to share…thank you for listening.
Daily Fishing Report: The weather today was excellent in the morning, but started getting a little breezy and we had a few scattered showers this afternoon, nothing like this weekend

though. Weather conditions for tomorrow look like this…showers early then scattered thunderstorms developing late in the day turning warmer high of 69 with the wind out of the south to southwest in the morning shifting to northwest at 10 to 15 mph later on in the day with a 40% chance of rain. What this means is, if you’re not out early then you probably will be getting a little wet tomorrow. My sources are telling me that the heavier jigs are still doing the trick (½ oz to 1 oz)…the fish are on the bottom so you have to get there. I personally am still using a 3/8 oz jig, which does the trick for me. The colors that have been working are Chartreuse and Orange or even the combination of both…the bait of choice is still the frozen emerald shiners or live fat head and rainbow minnows. We are having the best success catching fish from 12 to 18 feet of water. We are fishing in Morris Bay and Four Mile Bay (right in front of the Wigwam) and having excellent success. I hope everyone has a great day of fishing tomorrow if you want to brave the weather…good luck and I look forward to hearing about your successes.
I will mentioned this everyday…if you are the person that is in charge of putting together your group fishing trips, please give me a call and I want to offer you a deal “that you can’t refuse”. We want as many people as humanly possible to experience the Wigwam Resort this

summer/fall/winter/spring…we are very confident that after your stay with us you won’t want to try some place different next year. Our goal is to make new friends everyday…I can’t wait to meet and make many new friends everyday as the years pass. Also, we have a great May Midweek Special running right now, which is, $30.00 per person per night for lodging only or $100.00 per person for one guided launch trip and one night lodging. Don’t miss out these deals won’t last past the end of this month. Keep reading to see what the June Midweek Special will be…I promise it will be worth it. If you are the putting together your friends Bachelor or Bachelorette Party…don’t hesitate to give me a call…we would love to help you make sure that your friends Bachelor or Bachelorette experience is a memorable one…in a good way!

My shout out today will go to Theresa Rautio aka Blueduck who was awarded the catch of the day yesterday at the Wigwam Resort with her catch of a 23 ½” Walleye. Theresa is a long time patron of the Wigwam and I hope that this experience has been like all the rest…a great time. I hope to see you and the whole Rautio clan back with us again very soon. Take care and thank you for being our guest and I hope all you expectations were exceeded.
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort
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