Good morning to all!
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. Yesterday I didn’t get a chance to go out fishing and it was a real bummer. We are supposed to have some nasty weather for the next 5 days in a row and I doubt that I will get the opportunity to do any fishing during that
time. There were a lucky few yesterday that did get a chance to go out on the lake and they got exactly what they were looking for…Walleyes! Tom Briggs, Billy Kloos and Kevin Olmstead, all of the Wigwam Resort, were able to take groups out on Lake of the Woods and they headed up to Garden Island to see if they could, put our guests on the fish, and that’s exactly what they did. This has been a constant for the Wigwam Resort all summer…we put people on the fish, whether you’re fishing with us, or you bring your own boat and asking us where to fish. We give you the information to make sure every time on Lake of the Woods will be your best time on Lake of the Woods. I will always say, I have a lot more fun catching fish instead of chasing them around, and I know that there are probably a number of people out there that are just like me.
This weekend the Wigwam Resort will be having live music, put on by, Tami and the Bachelor. They are a great band that has played in the area for years and you won’t want to miss them
this time around. The Wigwam should be a rocking this weekend and I can’t wait to meet as many new people as humanly possible! I look forward to seeing each and every one of you don’t miss it!!!! Tami and the Bachelor will be playing Friday (7/30/09) and Saturday (8/1/09) night from 9 pm till close at the World Famous Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods!
Just a reminder to all of you that want to stay with us this winter during ice fishing season…we are starting to fill up. If you want your places reserved at the Wigwam Resort, book now, or forever hold your peace. We are looking forward to a record breaking ice fishing season, for the amount of fish that will be caught on Lake of the Woods, don’t miss out on all the fun. Every night during the winter is like a Saturday night. Be apart of all the excitement, only at the World Famous Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods!
Once again, before I go into the fishing report, I just wanted to take a second and go over all the
different species of fish that we have caught this year in Lake of the Woods. I know that we are known to be the Walleye Capitol of the World, here in Baudette, MN on Lake of the Woods, but we have many different species of fish that are being caught out of Lake of the Woods that should get there day in the lime light. We have caught Monster Lake Trout, Musky, Northern Pike, Perch, Sauger, Small Mouth Bass, Sturgeon and Walleye this summer. So if you’re looking to be put on some different species of fish this summer other than Walleye, don’t hesitate to give us a call at the World Famous Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods and let us, PUT YOU ON THE FISH!!!!
Today my “shout out” will go out to the Roger Przybylski Group from the Warren, MN and Argyle, MN areas respectively. The Wigwam Resort had the opportunity to have as our guests,
18 members of the Przybylski family and all of us at the Wigwam Resort would like to thank you for making our resort, your family reunion destination this year. The Przybylski Group were supposed to go out fishing with us on Tuesday, but because of the nasty weather and wind we had, it was not possible. After a day of deliberation, the Przybylski Group decided to stay an extra day and go fishing with us at the Wigwam Resort. I think after the amazing day they had yesterday, which included some great weather and unbelievable fishing; they had made the right choice. On behalf of me, Tom and the rest of the Wigwam Resort Staff, we would like to thank you again for choosing the Wigwam Resort as your family reunion destination. We all hope that all your expectations were exceeded during your stay with us, and we look forward to seeing you all again in the very near future…thanks again!
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. Yesterday I didn’t get a chance to go out fishing and it was a real bummer. We are supposed to have some nasty weather for the next 5 days in a row and I doubt that I will get the opportunity to do any fishing during that
This weekend the Wigwam Resort will be having live music, put on by, Tami and the Bachelor. They are a great band that has played in the area for years and you won’t want to miss them
Just a reminder to all of you that want to stay with us this winter during ice fishing season…we are starting to fill up. If you want your places reserved at the Wigwam Resort, book now, or forever hold your peace. We are looking forward to a record breaking ice fishing season, for the amount of fish that will be caught on Lake of the Woods, don’t miss out on all the fun. Every night during the winter is like a Saturday night. Be apart of all the excitement, only at the World Famous Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods!
Once again, before I go into the fishing report, I just wanted to take a second and go over all the
Daily Fishing Report: Today we will see mostly cloudy with showers and a few thunderstorms, high 67F with winds NW at 10 to 15 mph…there will be a 50% chance of rain.
Tonight we will see some clouds, low near 50F with winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow we will see rain showers in the morning with scattered thunderstorms arriving in the afternoon, high 71F with winds SW at 5 to 10 mph…there will be a 50% chance of rain. Tomorrow night we should have variably cloudy with scattered thunderstorms, low 53F with winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph…there will be a 50% chance of rain. Just a little FYI…per, as of this morning we are in few days of rain and thunderstorms till Wednesday of next week (8/5/09). The wind throughout the next 5 days shouldn’t be that bad, but we will be getting plenty of rain, so bring your rain gear if you plan on fishing. Today’s fishing report will come from our guides (Tom Briggs, Billy Kloos and Kevin Olmstead). Yesterday Tom, Billy and Kevin went to the southwest side of Garden Island and they hammered the fish, once again.
They were using hammered gold spinners with crawlers and jigs with frozen shiners (they were hitting on every color). They were catching fish from 18 feet to 10 feet of water while drifting in our 27’ Sportscrafts. They went out with empty coolers, but quickly filled them to the brim with tasty Walleye. They had been fishing for only 4 hours when they had caught their limits and then they were just fishing for a huge trophy Walleye, which Lake of the Woods is known for. This past Sunday we had the fish fly hatch on this side of Lake of the Woods, but I see that today they are dissipating at a nice rate and we should be totally rid of them with in the next few days. If you don’t have the boat to head up north, you will want to keep Morris Point in front of the washout and the west side of Pine Island in your crosshairs. We have had a couple days in a row with a NW wind, which should be stacking the fish up on Pine Island and in the washout. I think that might be a good place to wet the line…if you’re picking up what I’m putting down. Don’t miss out on this great fishing that we’re having on Lake of the Woods…come visit us today at the Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods!
Today my “shout out” will go out to the Roger Przybylski Group from the Warren, MN and Argyle, MN areas respectively. The Wigwam Resort had the opportunity to have as our guests,
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort
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