Good morning to all!
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. I must start out this addition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog with this statement; if you want to catch fish, get your butt up to Lake of the Woods. I am sick and tired of my friends telling me that they aren’t fishing anymore this summer, because they went fishing on “their” lakes and didn’t catch anything. There is no excuse for this…make the extra 3 hour drive and be all over the fish on Lake of the Woods. It

doesn’t matter what you’re looking for, Lake of the Woods has what you want. Whether it is Lake Trout, Musky, Northern Pike, Perch, Sauger, Small Mouth Bass, Sturgeon or Walleye, we have it on Lake of the Woods and if I can’t lead you to them, I will find you someone that can…so no more excuses guys!
For all of you who would like to fish the best freshwater fishery in the whole wide world, get to Lake of the Woods and checkout what we are all raving about. I have had the pleasure this summer of fishing with people form as far away as Dallas, TX. People are coming from miles around to fish with us…so should you! We have some awesome deals right now that will end at the end of the month…don’t miss out on them. To checkout our specials, just go to our website at I hope to make some more friends before the end of the summer, so I hope to see you all here.
Once again, before I go into the fishing report, I just wanted to take a second and go over all the different species of fish that we have caught this year in Lake of the Woods. I know that we are known to be the Walleye Capitol of the World, here in Baudette, MN on Lake of the Woods, but we have many different species of fish that are being caught out of Lake of the Woods that should get there day in the lime light. We have

caught Monster Lake Trout, Musky, Northern Pike, Perch, Sauger, Small Mouth Bass, Sturgeon and Walleye this summer. So if you’re looking to be put on some different species of fish this summer other than Walleye, don’t hesitate to give us a call at the World Famous Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods and let us, PUT YOU ON THE FISH!!!!
Daily Fishing Report: Today we will see some sun in the morning with increasing clouds during the afternoon, high 68F with winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Tonight will be mostly cloudy during the evening with a few showers developing late, low 53F with winds NW at 5 to 10 mph…there will be a 30% chance of rain. Tomorrow will be cloudy with occasional showers, high 64F with winds NW at 5 to 10 mph…there will be a 40% chance of rain. Again today’s fishing report

will come from me and our guides (Tom Briggs, Billy Kloos and Kevin Olmstead). Yesterday we saw some terrible weather conditions and the high winds have mucked up the water a little bit in the big water, so I suggest heading up north if you get the chance. As I alluded to yesterday, Sunday I had the opportunity of fishing the northwest tip of Little Oak Island and the southwest side of Garden Island and they both didn’t disappoint. When fishing on the northwest tip of Little Oak, we were catching fish in 18 to 22 feet of water and we were using hammered gold spinners with crawlers as bait. When we were fishing the southwest side of Garden we were fishing in 8 to 12 feet of water and also using hammered gold spinners with crawlers as bait. At one point I was holding two fish in both hands trying to get them in the live well while one of my companions was netting another. We had a blast and I would highly recommend those areas, if you can get there. In the same vicinity (southwest side of Garden Island), Billy and Kevin were also having great success, but in 18 feet of water…

they were using hammered gold spinners with crawlers also. This past Sunday we had the fish fly hatch on this side of Lake of the Woods and they are all over the place, which isn’t the best thing for fishing, and also the mucked up water conditions on the south side of the lake, because of the storms we had role through aren’t helping matters, but we always have the north end of the lake (Little Oak Island & Garden Island) to keep the great fishing going on Lake of the Woods. Morris Point in front of the washout and the west side of Pine Island might be a place to fish as soon as the wind dies down…I don’t know if it’s still crazy over there or not, but we have been having a good WNW wind, which should be stacking the fish up on Pine Island. As soon as the wind dissipates…I think that might be a good place to wet the line…if you’re picking up what I’m putting down. Don’t miss out on this great fishing that we’re having on Lake of the Woods…come visit us today at the Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods!
Today my “shout out” will go out to three guests that we had the pleasure of having this past weekend, Mike Miller of Hollandale, MN, Jody Bissell of Austin, MN and Charlie Dresser of Albert Lee, MN. These gentlemen were our guests for 5 days and had to battle a few tough


on the lake, but their perseverance paid off. In a two day period, they were able to catch over 150 fish. That my friends, is a lot of fish…Congratulations! I hope that your expectations were exceeded during your stay with us at the Wigwam Resort and I just wanted to personally thank you guys for choosing us at the World Famous Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods. I can’t wait till you guys return this winter for the best ice fishing on the planet. Take care and see you guys soon!
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort
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