Thursday, August 19, 2010

Does Life Get any Better than on Lake of the Woods? I Think Not!

Good morning to all!

Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. I probably will have no bigger announcement than I have right now…Jody and I are officially engaged, and she made me the happiest man on the face of this earth when she said “yes” in the blueberry patch …thanks honey! On other, but not so momentous news, today when I woke up I was reminded that it was my birthday, and I was also reminded that I really am feeling my age…haha. Thanks to everyone that has sent me birthday and engagement wishes, it is greatly appreciated.

Yesterday was another amazing day on Lake of the Woods. The wind was down and the fish were biting once again. Kevin “Tall Tale” Olmstead took 6 of our guests up north to the eastside of Little Oak Island and needless to say, our guests were having a blast pulling in the Walleyes one right after another. Some of Tall Tale’s crew were first timers to Lake of the Woods and even first time Walleye fishermen and women, but that didn’t stop them from hammering the eyes. Tall Tale puts you on fish each and everyday, and I don’t care what the conditions are, he never comes back empty handed. If you’d like Kevin to take you fishing, just give us a call at the office (800) 448-9260 and make your reservation to the Walleye Capitol of the World!

This weekend we should be back into the 80’s and beautiful weather, so if you’re on the fence about making the drive up to Lake of the Woods, get off and get your butts up here. In my 18 years of fishing this tremendous body of water, the fishing has never been better on a consistent basis. Take advantage of our Super Summer Special and treat yourself to the best Walleye fishing in the world, on the lake know as the Walleye Capitol of the World, Lake of the Woods!

If you haven’t become a fan of the Wigwam Resort-low on Facebook, what are you waiting for? I’m posting on there daily and have found it a great way to communicate with everyone on a regular basis. I will be posting all of our weekly meal specials and drink specials on there also. Take advantage of Facebook and everything it allows you to do. We look forward to having you as our friends on Facebook. Also, we have just received a new stock of hats (seen pictured here). If you’d like to have the new Wigwam hat, and you don’t think you’ll be able to get back to see us soon, just give us a call and you can purchase the Wigwam hat over the phone (800) 448-9260. We will package and mail your order promptly.

Announcements…If you’re looking for some great fishing and lodging deals, check out the August Specials we will be offering on our website We are running a Super Summer Special for the balance of the summer, until September 1st. Tom would like to celebrate his 12th year of ownership, and help more people experience Lake of the Woods, by offering $25.00 per person, per night lodging in our lodge every day (midweek & weekend). We would also like to offer $25.00 per person, per night lodging in our cabins, midweek only (Sunday night – Wednesday night) some restrictions will apply to minimum numbers of guest per cabin. Each lodging charge is subject to applicable federal, state and local sales tax. Applicable to new reservations only. I also wanted to tell you all about our Veterans and Armed Forces Special, which we have running 365 days a year. Wigwam Resort gives Veterans and our currently enlisted Armed Forces a 10% discount on any package plus whatever specials we are giving. We want to thank you all for your service…God Bless America!

If you’re looking for an affordable vacation this summer, at a first class fishing resort, you’ve just found it! For additional information, please call one of our knowledgeable staff members at (800) 448-9260, and start your journey to the “Walleye Capitol of the World”!

Today’s “Quote of the Day”…”Never lose a chance of saying a kind word.” – William Thackeray. Today is my birthday, and I’m trying to reflect on what I’ve been able to accomplish this past year, through the help of God. Also, I’m trying to reflect on what I can do to become a better human being and Christian throughout this next year of my life. As I came across this quote, it really resonated with what I’m going to try to accomplish in the next year and hopefully throughout my entire life. I try to be as kind as possible and brighten the days of people, whom I know personally or am just meeting for the first time. You never know what people are going through, and everyone loves to hear words of encouragement and kindness, even me. The smallest words of kindness can make the biggest impact sometimes. I challenge everyone to “never lose a chance of saying a kind word”, and try to make our world a better place…God Bless.

Daily Fishing Report: Today we will have plentiful sunshine, high 73F with winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Tonight will be mostly clear early followed by cloudy skies overnight, low 54F with winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow should be cloudy early with partial sunshine expected late, high 79F with winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow night should be partly cloudy with isolated thunderstorms possible, low 59F with winds S at 5 to 10 mph…there will be a 30% chance of rain. Saturday should be mainly sunny, highs in the low 80s and lows in the upper 50s. Sunday should be windy with a mix of sun and clouds, highs in the upper 80s and lows in the mid 60s. Monday we should have a few thunderstorms possible, highs in the upper 70s and lows in the mid 50s. Today’s fishing report will be provided by Billy “The Sniper” Kloos, Kevin "Tall Tale" Olmstead, Tom Briggs and I. Yesterday morning Tall Tale took his crew to up to Little Oak Island and they whacked the crap out of the old Walleyes. Because of the high winds we had on Monday and Tuesday, Kevin didn’t think that the milk chocolate water we had down here would be producing until today or tomorrow. Tomorrow I will be taking a few people out and we’ll be starting right on the US/Canadian line and drift spinners in about 31-32 feet of water and I’ll let you know what we find. We have been absolutely crushing the Walleyes in that area for the past week. If you can’t make it out to the line, then you may have to go out to 32 feet of water about straight out from Graceton Rd and directly east of Long Point. When we have a south, southwest and west wind the area straight out from Graceton Rd has been a little honey hole of sorts also. We are still using the hammered gold and pink/gold spinners with crawlers and leeches. You can purchase your Jigs, Frozen Shiners, Spinners, Crawlers, leeches, and Rapalas from the same place that I get mine, Log Cabin Bait, which is about ¾ of a mile south of the Wigwam on 172. I must state this again, in my 18 years of fishing Lake of the Woods; I’ve never seen the fishing this good on such a consistent basis. Don’t wait too long to make your plans to visit us, because you never know how long it will last…I hope forever! Keep checking out the fishing report…I’ll give you all the hard facts as soon as I find out where they’re hiding next. Good luck and Happy Fishing to all! Thanks for fishing with us and visiting with us at the Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods.

My shout out today will go out to Jody Hasbargen, my new fiancée. Thank you for making me so happy! I can’t wait for each and everyday of the rest of our lives together…I love you!

Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!

Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort

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