Good morning to all!
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. I hope everyone had a productive weekend fishing, hunting, or just working around the house. I was able to get a deer this past Thursday afternoon, which put a hug smile on my face. Jody and I, just the week earlier had run
out of venison from last years deer, so there was a major need for the venison. So, our weekend consisted of skinning, chopping, cutting and canning that tender deer…YES! I’m so glad that I have Jody to help me do these things, it’s sure great to have the perfect mate…I am truly blessed.
There were a number of hunters that were able to bag a deer or two up in Lake of the Woods County this past weekend, and just as the Walleyes put smiles on faces, so do the Whitetail. Just yesterday I served breakfast to at least 10 people, whom all were just our guests that had shot a deer over the weekend. Many of these individuals were from the Twin Cities, but all there hunting and fishing is done up on Lake of the Woods and in Lake of the Woods County. As conversation goes, we started talking about the hunting and what a great season it’s been so far. Every one of them said, and I quote “there’s no place like Lake of the Woods”! Its music to my ears each and every time I am blessed to hear that phrase. I hope to hear that phrase many more times as the Worlds Best Hard Water Fishery begins to take form as the cold weather
settles upon us once again. If you’re interested in deer hunting in Lake of the Woods this next week, or next year, don’t hesitate to ask Tom and I about the great hunting locations we have at our finger tips.
On a fishing front, a number of our guest and the locals are still having great success straight across from Wheelers Resort and the Public Access, by the wind sock in the Rainy River. It has also come to my attention that across from Wabanica Church and by the airport in Baudette has also been very productive hot spots. On the bright sunny days, be sure to be using some gold on your lure, and on the overcast days, be sure to be using a solid Pink Glow or Chartreuse Glow Jigs to ensure the fish can see the lures. Frozen and live Shiners have still been the ticket, but as most of you know, I prefer the frozen. The depth of preference has been 12 – 16 feet of water right on the contour breaks. The monsters Walleyes are really starting to be caught in the river rite now so don’t miss out.

Ice fishing is right around the corner and the Wigwam Resort is starting to fill up for December and January already. I have to make this know, because one of our longtime patrons called me this morning to make a group reservation for the 3rd weekend in December and I had to tell him that we are all sold out of cabins. Needless to say he was a tad bit bummed, and he said, “I shouldn’t have waited this long, the guys are going to be so mad”. I don’t want anyone to have to be mad at anyone, so if you’re looking to ice fishing on Lake of the Woods this winter and you want to stay at the Wigwam Resort, you might want to check on availability as soon as possible. With the great fishing we’ve had all summer; people are making reservations ice fishing before they’ve even left the resort. Many of you have been fishing here all summer and know what it’s been like day in and day out and you’re not missing your chance to fish Lake of the Woods, and stay at the best resort on the lake (Wigwam Resort), my humble opinion.
If you haven’t become a fan of the Wigwam Resort-low on Facebook, what are you waiting for? I’m posting on there daily and have found it a great way to communicate with everyone on a regular basis. I will be posting all of our weekly meal specials and drink specials on there also. Take advantage of Facebook and everything it allows you to do. We look forward to having you as our friends on Facebook. Also, we have just received a new
stock of hats (seen pictured here). If you’d like to have the new Wigwam hat, and don’t think you’ll be able to get back to see us soon, just give us a call and you can purchase the Wigwam hat over the phone (800) 448-9260. We will package and mail your order promptly.
Announcements…If you’re looking for some great fishing and lodging deals, check out the November Specials we will be offering on our website We are running a Fall Special. The Special will be as follows: $35 per person per night lodging in the lodge or cabins (restrictions will apply with number of people in cabins). NOVEMBER ICE FISHING SPECIAL - If you book by November 30th for a February Mid-Week Ice Fishing Package you will get a 15% discount. That’s Sunday night – Wednesday night 15% off all Mid-Week Ice Fishing Packages. To qualify for this you must have the deposit paid by November 30th. Each lodging charge is subject to applicable federal, state and local sales tax. Applicable to new reservations only. I also wanted to tell you all about our Veterans and Armed Forces Special, which we have running 365 days a year. Wigwam Resort gives Veterans and our currently enlisted Armed Forces a 10% discount on any package plus whatever specials we are giving. We want to thank you all for your service…God Bless America!
If you’re looking for an affordable vacation this summer, at a first class fishing resort, you’ve just found it! For additional information, please call one of our knowledgeable staff members at (800) 448-9260, and start your journey to the “Walleye Capitol of the World”!
Today’s “Quote of the Day”…”Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.” - Benjamin Franklin. The more quotes I read from Benjamin Franklin, one of our countries Founding Fathers, the more I admire and respect him. His philosophy at times was straight common sense, which I think is advice we all should adhere to, no matter what we believe. This past week Jody and I had a little dryer trouble, and thank goodness it was covered under warranty. Ten years ago I would have been upset that something like this happened, but the way the following events played out, were as if someone was trying to make a point to me. Since the passing of my father, more than 4 years ago, I have been fighting with the worry of, will that which happen to my father, happen to me. I know that’s foolish to think such thoughts, but sometimes the reality hits and we can live one of two ways. First by worrying day in and day out about something that we have no control over or second do not worry day in and day out about something that we have no control over and live our lives to the fullest. I have tried to live my life the past year and half as not worrying and living life day to day as she comes to me, facing challenges one at a time as they are presented, and let me tell you, that’s living. I believe that there are others looking out for us, no matter where they may be, for example the dryer. It turns out that the guy contracted to do the repair was an old co-worker of my fathers while he worked at Marvin Windows and Doors in Warroad. We didn’t find this out until he was about ready to leave after helping us for two days. The room he was working in for those two days had a few pictures of my father and he put two and two together. He made a special run out to our house from the Greenbush area just to help us out, and as he was leaving the house Jody tried to hand him a couple extra bucks for coming out on his day off to help. He respectfully denied the money and said that he would do anything for Curt’s (my father) family. It turns out that he may have known more about me than I know about myself…haha. He would travel with my father to different Marvin plants across the United States over a 6 year stretch, and he said he heard everything about my brother and me during that time. He said that my father was so proud of what we had accomplished, and he was honored to finally meet me. It’s been over 4 years since my father has been able to talk to me, but it looks as if he is still looking out for us. What were the chances of that happening? As soon as the gentleman left Jody and I hugged and shed a few tears. I know that this may ramble, but where I’m going with this is; we have no control over the future. I challenge each of you to live this week, month, year or the rest of your life without worrying about things you have no control over and maybe, just maybe, you’ll find yourself in a much better place…God Bless.
Daily Fishing Report: Today we should have considerable cloudiness, the temps nearly steady in the low to mid 30s with winds light and variable. Tonight should be mainly cloudy, low 23F with winds light and variable. Tomorrow
should be cloudy, high 36F with winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow night we should see cloudy skies, low near 25F with winds light and variable. Wednesday should be cloudy highs in the mid 30s and lows in the upper teens. Thursday we should see considerable cloudiness, highs in the low 30s and lows in the low 20s. Friday we should see snow showers at times, highs in the mid 30s and lows in the upper teens. Today’s fishing report will be provided by me, a few of our guests and some local talent. The Rainy River Walleye bite has pick up dramatically and I’ve heard through the grapevine that right out from Wheelers Point Resort and right by the windsock that people are doing well in 12 to 16 feet of water. Also, there have been great reports from right the Wabanica Church area and the Baudette Airport. The colors are still pretty consistent, Pink and Chartreuse has been very effective. As we get colder weather the Walleyes will undoubtedly
continue to run into the river. I also heard that right outside Lighthouse and Morris Gap’s they’re still catching fish from the 14 – 20 foot range. If you’re fishing the river, be sure you have ¾ to 1 oz jigs, we really have some current flowing and you have to be on the bottom to catch the Walleyes. You can purchase your Jigs, Frozen Shiners, Rapalas and Reef Runners from the same place that I get mine, Log Cabin Bait and Tackle, which is about ¾ of a mile south of the Wigwam on 172. Also, Tom’s Tackle, a local tackle making company makes all the jigs and spinners that I use and you can get your own Tom’s Tackle jigs and lures at Log Cabin Bait. Use what works for us on Lake of the Woods, “Tom’s Tackle”, a local company that know what works on Lake of the Woods. Keep checking out the fishing report, and I’ll give you all the hard facts as soon as I find out where they’re hiding next. Good luck and Happy Fishing to all! Thanks for fishing with us and visiting with us at the Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods.
My shout out today will go to all the hunters we’ve had stay with us so far this hunting season. The books have shown an up tick in guests this fall and we’re heading in the right direction. I wanted to thank you all, from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to have you as our guests at the Wigwam Resort on beautiful Lake of the Woods “The Walleye Capitol of the World”! We hope to see you all back this winter for the Worlds Best Hard Water Fishing. Lake of the Woods…Paradise without a Passport!
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman
Wigwam Resort
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. I hope everyone had a productive weekend fishing, hunting, or just working around the house. I was able to get a deer this past Thursday afternoon, which put a hug smile on my face. Jody and I, just the week earlier had run
There were a number of hunters that were able to bag a deer or two up in Lake of the Woods County this past weekend, and just as the Walleyes put smiles on faces, so do the Whitetail. Just yesterday I served breakfast to at least 10 people, whom all were just our guests that had shot a deer over the weekend. Many of these individuals were from the Twin Cities, but all there hunting and fishing is done up on Lake of the Woods and in Lake of the Woods County. As conversation goes, we started talking about the hunting and what a great season it’s been so far. Every one of them said, and I quote “there’s no place like Lake of the Woods”! Its music to my ears each and every time I am blessed to hear that phrase. I hope to hear that phrase many more times as the Worlds Best Hard Water Fishery begins to take form as the cold weather

On a fishing front, a number of our guest and the locals are still having great success straight across from Wheelers Resort and the Public Access, by the wind sock in the Rainy River. It has also come to my attention that across from Wabanica Church and by the airport in Baudette has also been very productive hot spots. On the bright sunny days, be sure to be using some gold on your lure, and on the overcast days, be sure to be using a solid Pink Glow or Chartreuse Glow Jigs to ensure the fish can see the lures. Frozen and live Shiners have still been the ticket, but as most of you know, I prefer the frozen. The depth of preference has been 12 – 16 feet of water right on the contour breaks. The monsters Walleyes are really starting to be caught in the river rite now so don’t miss out.
Ice fishing is right around the corner and the Wigwam Resort is starting to fill up for December and January already. I have to make this know, because one of our longtime patrons called me this morning to make a group reservation for the 3rd weekend in December and I had to tell him that we are all sold out of cabins. Needless to say he was a tad bit bummed, and he said, “I shouldn’t have waited this long, the guys are going to be so mad”. I don’t want anyone to have to be mad at anyone, so if you’re looking to ice fishing on Lake of the Woods this winter and you want to stay at the Wigwam Resort, you might want to check on availability as soon as possible. With the great fishing we’ve had all summer; people are making reservations ice fishing before they’ve even left the resort. Many of you have been fishing here all summer and know what it’s been like day in and day out and you’re not missing your chance to fish Lake of the Woods, and stay at the best resort on the lake (Wigwam Resort), my humble opinion.
If you haven’t become a fan of the Wigwam Resort-low on Facebook, what are you waiting for? I’m posting on there daily and have found it a great way to communicate with everyone on a regular basis. I will be posting all of our weekly meal specials and drink specials on there also. Take advantage of Facebook and everything it allows you to do. We look forward to having you as our friends on Facebook. Also, we have just received a new
Announcements…If you’re looking for some great fishing and lodging deals, check out the November Specials we will be offering on our website We are running a Fall Special. The Special will be as follows: $35 per person per night lodging in the lodge or cabins (restrictions will apply with number of people in cabins). NOVEMBER ICE FISHING SPECIAL - If you book by November 30th for a February Mid-Week Ice Fishing Package you will get a 15% discount. That’s Sunday night – Wednesday night 15% off all Mid-Week Ice Fishing Packages. To qualify for this you must have the deposit paid by November 30th. Each lodging charge is subject to applicable federal, state and local sales tax. Applicable to new reservations only. I also wanted to tell you all about our Veterans and Armed Forces Special, which we have running 365 days a year. Wigwam Resort gives Veterans and our currently enlisted Armed Forces a 10% discount on any package plus whatever specials we are giving. We want to thank you all for your service…God Bless America!
If you’re looking for an affordable vacation this summer, at a first class fishing resort, you’ve just found it! For additional information, please call one of our knowledgeable staff members at (800) 448-9260, and start your journey to the “Walleye Capitol of the World”!
Today’s “Quote of the Day”…”Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.” - Benjamin Franklin. The more quotes I read from Benjamin Franklin, one of our countries Founding Fathers, the more I admire and respect him. His philosophy at times was straight common sense, which I think is advice we all should adhere to, no matter what we believe. This past week Jody and I had a little dryer trouble, and thank goodness it was covered under warranty. Ten years ago I would have been upset that something like this happened, but the way the following events played out, were as if someone was trying to make a point to me. Since the passing of my father, more than 4 years ago, I have been fighting with the worry of, will that which happen to my father, happen to me. I know that’s foolish to think such thoughts, but sometimes the reality hits and we can live one of two ways. First by worrying day in and day out about something that we have no control over or second do not worry day in and day out about something that we have no control over and live our lives to the fullest. I have tried to live my life the past year and half as not worrying and living life day to day as she comes to me, facing challenges one at a time as they are presented, and let me tell you, that’s living. I believe that there are others looking out for us, no matter where they may be, for example the dryer. It turns out that the guy contracted to do the repair was an old co-worker of my fathers while he worked at Marvin Windows and Doors in Warroad. We didn’t find this out until he was about ready to leave after helping us for two days. The room he was working in for those two days had a few pictures of my father and he put two and two together. He made a special run out to our house from the Greenbush area just to help us out, and as he was leaving the house Jody tried to hand him a couple extra bucks for coming out on his day off to help. He respectfully denied the money and said that he would do anything for Curt’s (my father) family. It turns out that he may have known more about me than I know about myself…haha. He would travel with my father to different Marvin plants across the United States over a 6 year stretch, and he said he heard everything about my brother and me during that time. He said that my father was so proud of what we had accomplished, and he was honored to finally meet me. It’s been over 4 years since my father has been able to talk to me, but it looks as if he is still looking out for us. What were the chances of that happening? As soon as the gentleman left Jody and I hugged and shed a few tears. I know that this may ramble, but where I’m going with this is; we have no control over the future. I challenge each of you to live this week, month, year or the rest of your life without worrying about things you have no control over and maybe, just maybe, you’ll find yourself in a much better place…God Bless.
Daily Fishing Report: Today we should have considerable cloudiness, the temps nearly steady in the low to mid 30s with winds light and variable. Tonight should be mainly cloudy, low 23F with winds light and variable. Tomorrow

My shout out today will go to all the hunters we’ve had stay with us so far this hunting season. The books have shown an up tick in guests this fall and we’re heading in the right direction. I wanted to thank you all, from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to have you as our guests at the Wigwam Resort on beautiful Lake of the Woods “The Walleye Capitol of the World”! We hope to see you all back this winter for the Worlds Best Hard Water Fishing. Lake of the Woods…Paradise without a Passport!
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman
Wigwam Resort
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