Good morning to all!
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. Well by the title I bet most of you can guess what is happening right now on the Rainy River, the Shiners are running. Yesterday when I got back from North Dakota, I started
asking around to find some good fishing information since I’ve been out of town for the last 5 days. The info was great on all fronts, in the lake and the river. There are reports of some very nice size Shiners being caught as far up on the Rainy River as Winter River Road. The Walleyes are still in Lake of the Woods in 30 – 32 feet, but their starting to make their way into Lighthouse Gap. I heard from a very reliable source that in 19 feet of water right out from the green buoy in Lighthouse Gap, the Walleyes are starting to pack up. I also got the same information from some of our guests who are staying with us this week. They all stated that there is one color that you’re going to need to constantly have, and that color is gold! I would imagine that by this weekend there will be about 100 boats sitting in Four Mile Bay trying to land those hungry Walleyes. The question is, will you it be you?
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. Well by the title I bet most of you can guess what is happening right now on the Rainy River, the Shiners are running. Yesterday when I got back from North Dakota, I started

The past 5 days I’ve had the pleasure of Duck hunting in one of the most beautiful places, besides Lake of the Woods, and that place is Gackle, ND. The dimpled terrain was plush with slews, water and massive farm fields planted with and assortment of crops. The Ducks were jumping from pond to pond each morning and the bang of the 3-1/2 inch 12 gage shells were echoing across the land. There is a very wide assortment of duck species littered across the amazing landscape, it is just incredible. In one day we shot Red Heads, Teals, Mallards, Blue Bills, Spooners, Pintails and even a few Geese.
I was invited by Tom to hunt with a few of his good home town friends, in what I will now call, the Duck Capitol of the World. Each year Tom donates a free trip to help the people of Gackle

If you’re interested in attending the event next year, please let me know and I’ll put you in touch with the man that puts it all together, Wigwam patron, Henry “Hank” Steinberger. I’m sure next years 9th Annual Duckfest will be even a bigger hit than this year. Thanks for all the hospitality Hank, we’ll see you this winter for ice fishing.
If you haven’t become a fan of the Wigwam Resort-low on Facebook, what are you waiting for? I’m posting on there daily and have found it a great way to
Announcements…If you’re looking for some great fishing and lodging deals, check out the September Specials we will be offering on our website We are running a Fall Special. The Special will be as follows: $35 per person per night lodging in the lodge or cabins (restrictions will apply with number of people in cabins) and $90 per person per day for a full day of full service guided launch service and $65 per person per day for a half day of full service guided launch service. Each lodging charge is subject to applicable federal, state and local sales tax. Applicable to new reservations only. I also wanted to tell you all about our Veterans and Armed Forces Special, which we have running 365 days a year. Wigwam Resort
If you’re looking for an affordable vacation this summer, at a first class fishing resort, you’ve just found it! For additional information, please call one of our knowledgeable staff members at (800) 448-9260, and start your journey to the “Walleye Capitol of the World”!
Today’s “Quote of the Day”…”If we do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old.” - Lord Chesterfield. When I was a youngster, my father took me fishing and planted knowledge in me that no one could take away. Knowledge can count for anything you learn, but you must learn it so it is with you for the rest of your days. With the knowledge that is planted in the youth of today, they will use that knowledge for rest of their lives. My father always tried to teach me, my brother and sister new things, no matter what it was. I remember when I was 16 years old and I just received my drivers’ license, I was given the 1972 Grand Torino Sport to drive. About 2 months into driving the Torino I was in the Hardees parking lot in International Falls (where I grew up) and the starter went out on the car. I called my father from Hardees and
Daily Fishing Report: Today we should have plentiful sunshine, high 62F with winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. Tonight should be mostly clear, low 43F with winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow
My shout out today will go to the great community of Gackle, ND. I wanted to thank them all for providing Duckfest to everyone that wishes to participate. This is a great event that provides an abundance amount of fun. I wanted to give a special “Thank You” to Hank Steinberger for allowing us to be a part of the 8th Annual Duckfest. It was a blast and I will try everything in my power to make sure that we’re a part of it next year for the 9th Annual. Just like Lake of the Woods is the Walleye Capitol of the World, Gackle, ND is the Duck Capitol of the World. Thanks again to everyone that had a hand in planning and putting on the fantastic event; it was a joy to attend!
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort
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