Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. This past Sunday (Fathers Day) I had the opportunity of taking my Mother fishing for the first time since she arrived back from taking care of my

As many of you probably know, Lake of the Woods is on fire right now. The Walleye bite as never been better on a consistent basis. Lake of the Woods is spoiling people each and everyday, so if you’re on the fence about taking that trip to God’s Country, tip off that fence and head up north to “The Walleye Capitol of the World”…you won’t be disappointed. The tantalizing effect of setting the hook never gets old, I for one can attest to that. Remember, the Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods is Paradise without the Passport…come be our guest.
If you haven’t become a fan of the Wigwam Resort-low on Facebook, what are you waiting for? I’m posting on there daily and have found it a great way to communicate with everyone on a regular basis. For example, we are coming up on the North Star Summer Walleye Classic Tournament at the Wigwam Resort on June 26, 2010. I have posted a special discount on lodge rooms for all the participating teams…$20 per person, per night. I will be posting all of our

Announcements…If you’re looking for some great fishing and lodging deals, check out the June Specials we will be offering on our website www.wigwamresortlow.com. We are running a Super Summer Special for the balance of the summer, until September 1st. Tom would like to celebrate his 12th year of ownership, and help more people experience Lake of the Woods, by offering $25.00 per person, per night lodging in our lodge every day (midweek & weekend). We would also like to offer $25.00 per person, per night lodging in our cabins, midweek only (Sunday night – Wednesday night) some restrictions will apply to minimum numbers of guest per cabin. Each lodging charge is subject to applicable federal, state and local sales tax. Applicable to new reservations only. I also wanted to tell you all about our Veterans and Armed Forces Special, which we have running 365 days a year. Wigwam Resort gives Veterans and our currently enlisted Armed Forces a 10% discount on any package plus whatever specials we are giving. We want to thank you all for your service…God Bless America!
If you’re looking for an affordable vacation this summer, at a first class fishing resort, you’ve just found it! For additional information, please call one of our knowledgeable staff members at (800) 448-9260, and start your journey to the “Walleye Capitol of the World”!
Today’s “Quote of the Day”…”Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne. Wow, how true it is, how true it is. Fathers Day’s weekend really got me thinking about my Father and some of the tough position he faced throughout his life, and how he did it with a smile. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that there were a few tears shed along the way, but we didn’t see them. Towards his last few days, it was so prevalent. I see his smile each and everyday and it gives me strength to also have courage as I face any and all challenges. I hope this will help you find the courage to battle the obstacles you face in your life…God Bless.
Daily Fishing Report: Today we should have sunshine and clouds mixed high 76F with winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph.

My shout out today will go to the Garvin Group from south of the border, Minnesota border that is…haha. The friendly fellows from Iowa paid us a visit this weekend to Lake of the Woods to chase the prevalent Walleye. Kevin “Tall Tale” Olmstead put them on the fish from start to finish. Kevin had the crew mesmerized with the fishing, but most importantly the “Tall Tales”. I just wanted to thank you guys for being such great guests this weekend. I hope that the fishing and hospitality will make Lake of the Woods a seasonal vacation destination for you guys. Take care and we hope to see you guys back soon.
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort
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