Good morning to all!
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. I hope everyone has great plans for Memorial Day, no matter what it is. The rain

pounded Lake of the Woods County yesterday with sheets of rain all day, but we bared the storm and are ready to get back in that boat. Last Sunday, May 23rd, my buddies Mike Myers (pictured below with a 30" Walleye) and Robert Riege were out in 30 feet of water on the US/Canadian border, setting hook after hook on the biggest Walleyes they’ve ever constantly caught. Mike informed me of 20 plus Walleyes over 23 inches…WOW! He told me it was the best day of fishing he’s ever had, and he’s a Lake of the Woods regular and Wigwam patron. I wish I could have been with you guys, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.
Jody and I are now well on the way to finishing the deck, which means more fishing time…I like that. I’ll be out on the lake this Thursday and put the jigs, spinners and Rapalas to the test and let you know what to use when you get up here this weekend. We want you to have a great experience and everyone deserves to have some fun while visiting our backyard.
Announcements…4 Wheel Drive (Band) is back by popular demand to rock the Wigwam this Memorial Day Weekend! If you’re looking for some great fishing and lodging deals, check out the May specials we will be offering on our website We are running a

Super Summer Special for the balance of the summer, until September 1st. Tom would like to celebrate his 12th year of ownership, and help more people experience Lake of the Woods, by offering $25.00 per person, per night lodging in our lodge every day (midweek & weekend). We would also like to offer $25.00 per person, per night lodging in our cabins, midweek only (Sunday night – Wednesday night) some restrictions will apply to minimum numbers of guest per cabin. Each lodging charge is subject to applicable federal, state and local sales tax. Applicable to new reservations only. I also wanted to tell you all about our Veterans and Armed Forces Special, which we have running 365 days a year. Wigwam Resort gives Veterans and our currently enlisted Armed Forces a 10% discount on any package plus whatever specials we are giving. We want to thank you all for your service…God Bless America!
If you’re looking for an affordable vacation this summer, at a first class fishing resort, you’ve just

found it! For additional information, please call one of our knowledgeable staff members at (800) 448-9260, and start your journey to the “Walleye Capitol of the World”!
I stated this in the last blog, but it must be said again. Walleye season is here, and there should be no other place to go than Lake of the Woods and Baudette, MN, which is know by millions as the “Walleye Capitol of the World”! With a bountiful supply of Walleye
(pictured is my buddy Mike Myers with a 30" Walleye), Sauger, Perch, Northern Pike, and Small Mouth Bass, Lake of the Woods is like a massive magnet pulling anglers in from thousands of miles around every single day. If you are one of the few that haven’t had the chance to experience our tremendous fishery, please give us a call and we’d love to show you around our backyard. We love to help people experience the feeling of hooking into there own trophy fish on Lake of the Woods. Every time I hear a new fishing tale, it gets me just as excited as the person telling it. I love Lake of the Woods and all of its tremendous beauty, come share that with us this summer!
Today’s “Quote of the Day”…”A man without ambition is dead. A man with ambition but no love is dead. A man with ambition and love for his blessings here on earth is ever so alive. Having been alive, it won't be so hard in the end to lie down and rest.” - Pearl Bailey. With Memorial Day Weekend soon to be on us, this is a day of remembrance for all our veterans whom have

fallen, while during battle, or at home from related causes years down the road. Each and every one of them goes out into the battle field with the knowledge that they might not return. This is a feeling that many us have never felt and never want to feel. The solider prepares themselves to the best of their abilities before battle, freely knowing they could face the ultimate price. Being the eldest son of fallen US Marine, whom served in the Vietnam War and survived the battles, but on February 9, 2006 fell to lung cancer attributed to Agent Orange. He lived with ambition and love for his blessings, all of his life, so when it was time to lay down to rest, he did so knowing he was blessed with a good life, and in my mind that’s what remembering Memorial Day is all about. The ability to live free, and live our lives in any way we do choose…I can’t imagine living my life any other way. Live with ambition and love for your blessings each and everyday and I bet your life improves from it. If mine has, so can yours…God Bless.
Daily Fishing Report: Today we should have mainly sunny sky, high 73F with winds W at 10

to 20 mph. Tonight we should have clear skies, low 47F with winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. Thursday we should have sunshine, high 72F with winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Friday we should see a few clouds, highs in the low 70s and lows in the upper 40s. Saturday we should have a mix of sun and clouds, highs in the low 80s and lows in the mid 50s. Today’s fishing report will be provided by me, Billy “The Sniper” Kloos, and Kevin “Tall Tale“ Olmstead. Thirty 26 - 30’ on the US/Canadian border should be the place to start your day. With the heavy rain and winds we had a few days ago, the lake has been turned up a bit, but the bite is still good. Frozen Shiners and Chubs can be used with similar results. A “Walleye Chop” helps considerably, but with a light

wind, we’ve still been having success. The best method has been anchoring and jigging, so if you plan on anchoring in the big lake, the best type of anchor to use is a spike anchor with at least 100’ of rope. 3/8 oz Jigs (Pink/Gold, Red/Black, and Chartreuse/Gold) with frozen shiners were the golden tickets this weekend. You can purchase your Jigs and Frozen Shiners from the same place that I get them from, Log Cabin Bait, which is about ¾ of a mile south of the Wigwam on 172. I hope to see you all up here, but if you can’t make it, keep checking out the fishing report…I’ll give you all the hard facts as soon as I find out where they’re hiding next. Good luck and Happy Fishing to all! Thanks for fishing with us and visiting with us at the Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods.
My shout out today will go to will go to Jim “The Great Dane” Sorensen (Nina’s Father). Jim has been working very hard to make the exterior of the Wigwam very inviting and fresh with summer color, and he’s doing a fabulous job. As I walked out of the Lodge today, I turned and it just looked so beautiful. Thanks for all the hard work…we all appreciate it.
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort