Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. Well I hope everyone has had a

Just as our trip seem to start we had the pleasure of getting a flat tire, not really a pleasure, but I guess its all how we look at things. We were on our way to a Minnesota Wild game, when just before Moose Lake we hit a pot hole and blew one of the tires. This was not my first blown tire, so without panic I proceeded to get the spare tire off the back and jack up the car, but what was waiting was a little testing. When we pulled off the side of the road, we unfortunately were on a narrow stretch of the road and were in the mud. I worked to try and break the nuts loose while Jody directed traffic, so as to be safe, but every time I jacked up the car and gave the wrench a turn, the nuts wouldn’t break and the jack sunk into the mud and consequently the car rolled off the jack. This happened about 7 times before a nice woman stopped to see if we needed any help. Jody was able to get some phone numbers from this kind woman and before you know it help was on the way. Ironically the woman that helped us, her name was Hope, and as if it was a message, never give up “hope” during tough times, optimism and a positive attitude will be your best weapons. After help arrived, it still took him about 25 minutes to break the nuts loose, but they were free, and we were able to continue down to the game, which we were able to get there for the beginning of the second period. It was an awesome start to the vacation and it seemed to never end throughout the entire trip! Thank you so much to all that helped…good deeds never go unlooked…thank you.
Today’s “Quote of the Day”…”An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin. After being on vacation and traveling the country side for the past two weeks, I would have to say that this quote seems to say it all. An investment in knowledge can mean a literal education form an institution, or by the way I interpret it, which is; everyday gives us the opportunity to experience something new, and every new experience is a way to educate ourselves in life. This will reward us with knowledge and personal experience that no one can ever take away. By being able to take a few dollars, which Jody and I had saved during the winter, we were able to travel and see many new and exciting things for both of us. So the next time you take a drive out of town, go to your local museum, or go fishing on Lake of the Woods J, you will have the opportunity to educate yourself about your surroundings, in my mind this is the best investment. I hope that this will help people be able to live more enjoyable lives, enjoy your surroundings (no matter where you’re at), and also help you to remember that an education isn’t just something you have to pay for. The opportunity of an education is surrounding us and waiting to be learned each and every day…God Bless.
ATTENTION STURGEON FISHERMAN!!!! I want to remind everyone that

Announcements…Tami and the Bachelor will be the live entertainment the weekends of April 16th & 17th and April 23rd & 24th. We have dropped all of our lodging prices to our Spring Special price of $35 per person per night till the Walleye Opener on May 15th. If you’re looking for some great fishing and lodging deals, check out the April specials we will be offering on our website http://www.wigwamresortlow.com/. We plan to run an April special that will give you a discount on packages purchased for May 2010. The specials will only last through the rest of April…you can’t beat them!
Daily Fishing Report: Today will be windy with a few showers from time to time…it will be
warm high 73F with winds S at 20 to 30 mph…there will be a 30% chance of rain. Tonight should be mostly clear skies, low 42F with winds SSW at 15 to 25 mph. Thursday should be cloudy with gusty winds, high 57F with winds W at 20 to 30 mph. Friday we should have considerably cloudy and windy, highs in the upper 50s and lows in the low 30s. Saturday we should have plenty of sun, highs in the low 60s and lows in the low 30s. Today’s fishing report will come from me and some local fisherman. Within the past few weeks there have been massive amounts of Walleyes, and a number of them have been “Big Walleyes” (30 Plus Inches) caught all the way from Birchdale to Lighthouse Gap. Today is the last day of Walleye fishing on Rainy River and Lake of the Woods till May 15, 2010, which is when the Walleye season will open for the summer. Over the past few days I’ve had the pleasure of going out and doing some fishing after my vacation, and it was fantastic. I didn’t catch any monsters, but the bite was steady and strong …it was a blast. Everyone that will be coming this week and the next few weeks will be searching for Sturgeon and I hope to have a great report for you by Friday. For now, I know that
they have been catching Sturgeon, each and every day, right out in front of the Wigwam Resort in Four Mile Bay and on the Rainy River. I will have exact depths for you in a few days to help you all out a little further. All you need is your heavy duty pole, 50 lb test line, 3 oz sinker, a circle hook and a gob of crawlers, and you’re in business! Good luck and Happy Fishing to all! Thanks for fishing with us and visiting with us at the Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods.

My shout out today will go to all the pleasant people that Jody and I were able to meet throughout our trip to Montana and back the past two weeks. Each and every one of you made this the best trip ever, and for that I must thank you with all my heart! I hope to see you all again someday down the road…thanks again and God Bless.
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
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