Good morning to all!

Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. I would like to start off by saying, I love this “Indian Summer” we’re having right now in northern Minnesota…it feels like early August should have felt like this year. Even though it should be Fall right now…I think we’ll be able to make it through this tough time…haha. I know that the local farmers are hoping for a couple more weeks of this weather, so I will go right along with them on this one.
The Sportsman’s Package consists of, Goose hunting in the morning and fishing in the afternoon.

Lake of the Woods produces more than just fish…the Geese are starting there annual migration south and flying right over Lake of the Woods. The Wigwam Resort has the ability to hunt a number of great farming properties in the local area, which produce Geese year after year. In my last edition of the Wigwam Blog I spoke briefly about my first ever Goose hunt that went off without a hitch. We were able to get on the Geese from the break of dawn and were done firing by 8:05 am…once again, it was an awesome experience. If you are a Goose hunter…the Wigwam Resort is the place to contact. Along with the Goose hunting, we also take our guests fishing in the afternoon on Lake of the Woods…the best freshwater fishery in the world. Our guests have been experiencing some of the best fishing of their lives right now; the proof is in the pictures. With our northern Minnesota hospitality, awesome guides, and everything an outdoor

enthusiast could ever dream of…the Wigwam Resort and Lake of the Woods is the place to be this year and every year…don’t miss out on all the action.
Just a couple announcements…September 18th & 19th will be the MTT (Minnesota Tournament Trail) Fishing Championship, which will be held on Lake of the Woods, and a large majority of the participants will be staying with us at the Wigwam Resort…Poor Boys band will be playing both Friday and Saturday night for the entertainment. October 2nd & 3rd will be the Fall North Star Walleye Classic Fishing Tournament…Poor Boys will again be blessing us with their presence on those respected Friday and Saturday nights. Finally, starting this coming Sunday (9/13/09), for every Vikings game this season, we

will have a “Kill the Keg” special, specials on our bar dining menu, and prizes to give away. This will make for some pretty crazy Sunday afternoon/nights and Monday nights…LETS GO VIKINGS!!!!
I will bring this up every day until we are there, but just a reminder to all of you that want to stay with us this winter during ice fishing season…we are starting to fill up. If you want your places reserved at the Wigwam Resort, book now, or forever hold your peace. We are looking forward to a record breaking ice fishing season, for the amount of fish that will be caught on Lake of the Woods, don’t miss out on all the fun. Remember, every night during the winter is like a Saturday night. Be apart of all the excitement, only at the World Famous Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods!
Daily Fishing Report: Today we will have periods of rain with a few thunderstorms likely, high 71F with winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph…there will be a 70% chance of rain…rainfall will near a

quarter of an inch. Tonight will be cloudy with a few showers, low 54F with winds light and variable…there will be a 30% chance of rain. Tomorrow should be partly cloudy, high 74F with winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow night we should see a few clouds from time to time, low 53F with winds light and variable. Today’s fishing report will come from our guides (Tom Briggs, Billy “The Sniper” Kloos and Kevin Olmstead), our guests and me. Tom, Billy, Kevin have stopped heading north and started to fish the big water again about 4 to 6 miles outside Lighthouse Gap, Morris Point Gap, and Zipple Bay in about 30 to 32 feet of water. They have been anchoring and jigging, and also downrigging, if jigging becomes too tough. When

downrigging they have been using trusty Rapala baits (Perch color, White and Purple have been the “golden ticket”) and when they are jigging they are using White/Gold, White/Purple and Orange/Gold jigs with frozen Shiners as bait. The fishing has still been “top shelf” (for all my hockey buddies) and we don’t anticipate that to slow in the least bit as we move into the middle of September. Yesterday Billy took out a group in the afternoon after Goose Hunting in the morning and it took them a little longer to catch their limits, a whole 3 hours…they downrigged all three hours, and our guests came in all smiles! Yesterday I had the chance to get out there in the afternoon and I started off jigging with a White/Gold 3/8 oz jig and caught a few small ones, but no monsters. I then switched to using a long line method with my 12 lb. mono line with a 20’ diving Rapala and got into some bigger fish. Where I had my best success was out in 23 to 26 feet of water about a mile and a half outside Lighthouse Gap using the long lining method. The biggest fish I caught in about an hour was a 26” Walleye. I also tried the rocks by Graceton Reef and was marking a ton of fish, but couldn’t get them to bite; using either method…maybe

next time they will be hungry for my lure. Jake “of the Woods” Magness, Doug “The Surgeon” Hagen and Val Safro, went out yesterday morning and were fishing in 31 feet of water, anchoring and jigging out in front of Zipple Bay and had some great success…the big fish of the day for them was a nice 25” Walleye caught by Jake “of the Woods” Magness. There have been more boats fishing right out in front of the Wigwam Resort also…what this means is that the Shiners have started their annual run into the Rainy River…we all know what that means…BIG WALLEYES ARE ON THE WAY! The Shiner run will last till the middle of November, so if you don’t want to travel far and you want to catch some big fish, book today at the Wigwam Resort and experience some of the “BEST FISHING IN THE WORLD”! All this great fishing will take place right in front of the World Famous Wigwam Resort, in Four Mile Bay and at the mouth of the Rainy River! Don’t miss out on this great fishing that we’re having on Lake of the Woods…come visit us today at the Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods!
My shout out today will go to a couple of guys that I had the opportunity to talk with while they stayed with us at the Wigwam Resort over the Labor Day holiday weekend…Tony and Ernie Zuberbuehler. I wanted to thank both of you for giving us the opportunity to have you as our

guests and for the great e-mail that you sent thanking us. It is I that must thank you though…so thank you! I would like to share with everyone their e-mail…I think this says it all about what strides we have taken at the Wigwam Resort to cater to our guests and make sure that everyone gets the opportunity who stays with us to experience our northern Minnesota hospitality…so here we go!
Good Afternoon Jean-Paul,
Just a quick note to thank you for contributing to our Walleye search last weekend. You gave us just enough information to narrow our efforts to what proved to be a bulls-eye! See below and attached. I'm happy to report all were handled with great care and successfully released back into LOTW. WIN! WIN! WIN!
The scale in my boat is old and has a low battery so we only took measurements. I'm starting to wonder if the 32" fish would've made 13#'s (my minimum to consider keeping a trophy). To be clear = NO regrets. So, thanks again for chatting over breakfast. My brother and I had a grand weekend. Ernie & Tony, Lake Of The Woods, Full Moon Period, Sunny, Beautiful, 80's & 5-15 mph South winds, Trolling

32-34 feet, 7 walleyes accounted for:
1 each = 27"
2 each = 28"
1 each = 30"
2 each = 31"
1 each = 32"
It seems there was one more 28/29 but these were the fish that we managed to write down. See you in a few weeks...
Tight lines my friend,
Tony Zuberbuehler
Thank you both for the great e-mail…I can’t wait to share this with all my co-workers…this is the best kind of marketing we could ever get…thanks again!
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort
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