Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. Today I wanted to share the story of a customer that we had a couple weeks ago that had a little mishap with his float plane, but was scooped up just in time and taken care of by the Wigwam and the people of Baudette. Mr. Paul Schroeder of Pine River, MN was very appreciative and thankful to all the participants…he subsequently wrote a letter thanking all the parties and I would like to share that with you today. I think this personifies the Baudette area and our northern Minnesota hospitality.
Thanks to Baudette
“A note of thanks to all the good folks in the Baudette, Rainy River area who came to my rescue after my flat plane flipped over on the Rainy River
Mike Sullivan and his fishing partner picked me up in their boat as I was exiting the upside down

Eric Bendickson spent 16 hrs trying to get the plane upright but didn’t quite have the horse power. Lake of the Woods County Highway Dept. came to the rescue. Lee Hancock with the approval of Jeff Pelland spent all day Thursday

I can’t thank the Lake of the Woods County Highway Dept. enough for their help. Four other Baudette locals helped Tom G. with various aspects of the salvage…John Craig, Gary Noble, Bob Sindler and big time help from Emory Vaagen of Bear Aviation.
You are a great community and it certainly was evident after my accident.”
By, Paul Schroeder
Pine River, MN
Daily Fishing Report: Today will be mostly sunny with a high of 58F with winds NNW at 10 to 20 mph. Tonight will be mainly clear with a low of 37F with winds NW at 10 to 20 mph. Tomorrows forecast will look like this…mainly sunny with a high of 66F with winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Tomorrow evening will be partly cloudy skies with a low 48F with winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. I have been told that as of this morning the wind was too gusty, even for the big launches to go out on the big water, but I hope this evening and tomorrow will bring us some calmer winds, so we can get out to the bigger fish about ¾ or a mile out from Lighthouse Gap in the mud fishing at the depth of 32 feet. When you get the chance to get out that way you will want to be fishing with Pink & White jigs with frozen shiners. The fishing has been phenomenal. Lighthouse Gap is still producing in about 14 to 18 feet of water. I’ve been having great success casting out into the current and jigging back to the boat against the current with my trusty Pink jig with a frozen shiner. Once again, make sure you’re on the bottom, because that’s where the fish are at! Good Luck and Happy Fishing!
My shout out today will go out to Paul Schroeder.
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort
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