Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. The long awaited return of the Sturgeon Excursion is finally here, and the
We have a better than predicted weather forecast for today...I think we all thought that we would wake up with some snow and blistering conditions, but we have weather in the 40’s with a little bit of rain. The entire Sturgeon Excursion crew seemed to be relieved about the weather situation as we discussed their strategies over breakfast this morning at the Wigwam Resort restaurant. They are looking forward to great Sturgeon fishing today and tomorrow.
As I spoke with Brian K. from IDOfishing.com this morning with Tom Briggs (Owner of the Wigwam Resort), over some eggs, bacon, hash browns and coffee, he was telling me about his fishing experience from yesterday. He stated that they started in the gap with very little luck, and then proceeded to where most of the boats were, and now are anchored, and have been for the past few weeks, in front of the Wigwam Resort. He said that his boat (that carried his wife and daughter) wasn’t having the best of luck, but boats all around him were brining in the fish left and right. After that statement, Tom spoke up and said (which sums it all up), “That’s why they call if fishing and not catching”…we all proceeded to have a good chuckle. Everyone seems to be going along with the weather, putting a smile on their faces, and feeling excited to go see if they can wrestle with some monster Sturgeon today.
As stated in previous posts, if you want to stay at the Wigwam Resort next year for the Sturgeon Excursion, don’t wait to long to book your stay.
On a Wigwam Resort note, don’t forget, you don’t need a passport this year to get to paradise. We have it right here in northern Minnesota on Lake of the Woods…we would like to share with you our little piece of paradise called the Wigwam Resort, for as long as you would like! For booking information, please call our knowledgeable staff at (800) 448-9260. For all of you who put together your group trips, please give me a call directly and I will present you with an offer “that you can’t refuse” (for all of you Godfather fans). I want to make sure that the people that have all the responsibility of putting together the trips are taken care of. So the next time you are faced with that job, you will know who to call, not Ghostbusters, the Wigwam Resort!
My shout out today will go to all the Sturgeon Excursion participants. I wish you all the best of luck fishing today and tomorrow for those “prehistoric dinosaurs”! Stay warm, stay safe, and I look forward to hearing all about your adventures tonight and tomorrow over a few pops.
Happy fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort
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