Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
The Rock Rubble Starts to Produce Nice Walleyes Through the Ice on the Worlds Best Hard Water Fishery
Yesterday morning as I pried open the front door to the house my face was meet with a brisk cold that sent a shiver down my spine, and it wasn’t even that cold out this morning, just -15 F. I know some are shaking their heads right now going, just -15 F, he’s crazy, and you know what, I am crazy, crazy for Northern Minnesota that is…I truly love it! Even thought the temperature has fluctuated up and down the past few days the fishing has still been on fire in the rock rubble just south of the Reefs.
As we move into the weekend the temps are supposed to rise into the mid 20’s to low 30’s. This will be a welcomed break from our recent cold stretch that has lasted for the past week. I just wanted to say that our thoughts and prayers are with all the parts of the country that are facing some of the worst winter storms in decades. We in Northern Minnesota are prepared and ready for the worst that Mother Nature wants to throw our way, but some of the more populated areas just don’t have that luxury and must be extra cautious. So if this is your area, please bundle up and enjoy the snow, don’t fight it.

On the fishing front, I was able to wet a line last week with a few of the guys from Frabill, MarCum, Strike Master, Northland Tackle, Hummingbird and Wilcraft while they were up for the Blizzard Bash and Ice Fishing Expo. I had to ride my sled up a little bit later in the morning than the rest of the Wigwam Crew and our guests, but when I arrived at the first house the bite was on! I had the opportunity of fishing with Brian “Bro” Brosdahl, his wife Heather, Mark Carlyle, Dennis Salmela, Brian Hartmann, Jon Marshall and James Holst. It was nothing short of awesome out there throughout the late morning and early afternoon, and that includes the fishing and the company!

The first annual Blizzard Bash and Ice Fishing Expo went off without a hitch. I wish that a few more people could have seen the tent and the way the vendors had the tent set up though. Don’t get me wrong, we had people, but as anything we put together we always want more people to see it than usually do. The first step that I took into the tent my mouth dropped and it was better than I could have ever imagined. This was most defiantly not the vendors’ first rodeo, and they made the most of everything. The fishing derby’s first place prize was taken by Garrett Ravndalen with a 37-3/4” Northern Pike, which was caught and released right in the Wigwam Bay about 150 yards northeast of the Wigwam’s main dock…congratulations and thanks for the participation!
The pink Charmers form Tom’s Tackle has still been a hot lure by my standards, and it seem that anything that has Northland Tackle printed on the lure is on fire also (Macho Minnow, Live Forage, Forage Minnow, Buckshot, etc). You can pick up all your tackle that works on Lake of the Woods from right here in Lake of the Woods County at one of our fantastic bait and tackle shops. Those places are Log Cabin, Border Bait, Outdoors Again, and Lucky Bait. Give them a call or just stop in and they’ll hook you up, pun intended!
Quote of the day…“He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander”. – Aristotle. This philosophy is no spring chicken and for all that know who Aristotle is should know that this philosophy has been taught for thousands of years. Today I have been blessed to have a group of Veterans of Foreign Wars from across the State of Minnesota, and all ten gentlemen served their country during times of conflict. During that time I could only imagine that they learned what my father (an old Leather Neck/Jar Head Marine through and through) taught me, OBEDIENCE! As I was reading through some of the quotes that appeared on the page this one jumped at me like a leaping frog. We never know when the time will come that each of us is thrown into a position where others will look to us for leadership. The question is, can you and will you be a good leader? I challenge you to follow the path that has work from the start of time, learn to obey and become a leader for the people around you…God Bless!
For everyone already looking at open water fishing, checkout our Summer Open Water Special on our Specials Page on our website at www.wigwamresortlow.com. In my personal opinion the fishing in the summer is 10 times better than the fishing in the winter, because you can move your boat. Last summer was the best fishing I’ve ever experienced on Lake of the Woods, and we look for that to be the case again this summer. With the Walleye and Sauger populations on the rise, there should be no other body of water to consider this summer! Come be our guest and experience Paradise without a Passport on Lake of the Woods, the Walleye Capital of the World!
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman