Good morning to all!
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. Well I just wanted thank each and every person that I had the opportunity to speak with during the past two weeks while I was at the Wisconsin 2010 Sport Show in Eau Claire, and at the 2010 Minneapolis Sport Show in Minneapolis. You make it so easy for me to truly love my job, and for that I must thank you all. The only drawback of being on the road is that it was a long two weeks and it felt like I was on the road again playing hockey. I was glad to get home last night and sleep in my own bed…haha.
Today I was hoping to get out and do a little fishing, but it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to get out there today…maybe Wednesday. As of this morning there were about 30 boats in the Rainy River and Four Mile Bay that I could see with the naked eye. I’ve heard that there are plenty of boats that have made the trek to Lighthouse Gap though and they are having a little more success in the “Big Lake”. I’ll be grilling each and everyone as to location and depths that are picking up fish and report that to you as I find it out.
As of today though, I did get the opportunity to talk with Jake “of the Woods” Magness and he was having great success yesterday, only for about a two hour stretch though, right in front of the Marina. He said that they had doubles for about 2 hours and they were very nice Walleyes, but before and after it was very slow. My personal opinion is that the Walleyes are still staging out in front of Lighthouse Gap getting ready for their yearly spawn, and as soon as the water temperature increases by a few degrees it will be “Game On” in Four Mile Bay and Rainy River. We should be getting the right weather to get us there in the next few days…I can’t wait!
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. Well I just wanted thank each and every person that I had the opportunity to speak with during the past two weeks while I was at the Wisconsin 2010 Sport Show in Eau Claire, and at the 2010 Minneapolis Sport Show in Minneapolis. You make it so easy for me to truly love my job, and for that I must thank you all. The only drawback of being on the road is that it was a long two weeks and it felt like I was on the road again playing hockey. I was glad to get home last night and sleep in my own bed…haha.
Today I was hoping to get out and do a little fishing, but it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to get out there today…maybe Wednesday. As of this morning there were about 30 boats in the Rainy River and Four Mile Bay that I could see with the naked eye. I’ve heard that there are plenty of boats that have made the trek to Lighthouse Gap though and they are having a little more success in the “Big Lake”. I’ll be grilling each and everyone as to location and depths that are picking up fish and report that to you as I find it out.
As of today though, I did get the opportunity to talk with Jake “of the Woods” Magness and he was having great success yesterday, only for about a two hour stretch though, right in front of the Marina. He said that they had doubles for about 2 hours and they were very nice Walleyes, but before and after it was very slow. My personal opinion is that the Walleyes are still staging out in front of Lighthouse Gap getting ready for their yearly spawn, and as soon as the water temperature increases by a few degrees it will be “Game On” in Four Mile Bay and Rainy River. We should be getting the right weather to get us there in the next few days…I can’t wait!
Today’s “Quote of the Day”…”We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” - E. M. Forester. After working the sport shows these past few weeks, I have been able to share my story with a number of people that were willing to lend a listening ear (sorry for my gift to gab…haha), and it made me realize just once again how truly lucky I am for taking a blind step and following my heart back to northern Minnesota. As I was reading through a number of quotes today I came upon the above quote, and it jumped right out at me the first time I read it. At one time I thought I had my life all planed out and I knew exactly what I wanted, but was it what God had planned for me? I don’t know if E.M. Forester was a religious person or not, but I truly believe that we all have a purpose on this earth and sometimes no matter what “WE” want, there may be another plan. As I shared my story with so many people, it really got me thinking again as to how I ended up at the Wigwam Resort and back in northern Minnesota. I’ve never claimed to be perfect and I’m positive I’ve made more mistakes in life than the normal individual, but God has lead me back home for a special purpose. Maybe to help one person, maybe to help many, time will be the tell tale on that. Since my return I’ve truly been at peace and my attitude has changed on how I look at every aspect of life, love and happiness. I hope that my story will help others live happier lives, and as each day passes, we each come closer to the life that is waiting for each and every one of us…God Bless.
ATTENTION STURGEON FISHERMAN!!!! I want to remind everyone that Sturgeon Fishing Season is right around the corner and the Wigwam Resort will be hosting two separate events for Sturgeon enthusiasts this April. There are still rooms and cabins available for the Fishing Minnesota Sturgeon Excursion April 16th, 17th & 18th, and there is only a few rooms left available for the In Depth Outdoors Sturgeon Excursion April 22nd, 23rd & 24th. We will be having a fish fry each Friday (17th & 23rd) and Roast Buffet on each Saturday (18th & 24th)…everyone is welcome to participate in each event…the more the merrier. If you’ve been waiting to fish Sturgeon this is the perfect time of year to do it…there will be plenty of people to help you find out all the secrets to a successful Sturgeon fishing trip. See you all there!
Announcements…Tami and the Bachelor will be the live entertainment the weekends of April 16th & 17th and April 23rd & 24th. We have dropped all of our lodging prices to our Spring Special price of $35 per person per night till the Walleye Opener on May 15th. If you’re looking for some great fishing and lodging deals, check out the April specials we will be offering on our website We plan to run an April special that will give you a discount on packages purchased for May 2010. The specials will only last through the rest of April…you can’t beat them!
Daily Fishing Report: Today will be mostly cloudy skies early then partly cloudy this afternoon, high 66F with winds SSE at 15 to 25

My shout out today will go to all everyone that I had the pleasure of meeting these past few weeks in Eau Claire, WI and Minneapolis, MN. Thank you for taking the time to allow me to “Gab” your ears off and spread the great word about the Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods. I look forward to seeing all of you again sometime in the near future, one way or another, in our great community on Lake of the Woods.
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!