Good morning to all!
Welcome to another edition of the Wigwam Fisherman’s Blog. As I woke up and made myself coffee this morning I glanced out the window at the outdoor thermometer I have nailed to the tree, and I had to take a

double take at it…it read -25 below. After I shivered just from the sheer thought of that temp, I started to smile and thought we must be making some great ice on Lake of the Woods right now. I was right, as of last night we made about 2 more inches of ice…nice!
We just sent out a special to all our contacts for December 20th – 23rd, which gives new reservations only a $50 savings for 2 Night 2 Day Packages, $75 savings for 3 Night 2 Day Packages, and $100 savings for 4 Night 3 Day
Packages. If you would like to get more information on this sweet deal, please call the office at (800) 448-9260 and ask for Jean-Paul (JP), Colleen or Stephanie.
As of this morning we have started to move our ice houses out to the lake…there is 9 to 10 inches of ice on the big lake and we will be ready to begin ice fishing our guests tomorrow. Just this afternoon I drove some lunch to a few of our current guests who are fishing on there own, and the fishing is “off the hook” right now. They are catching Walleye and Sauger one right after the other…that’s just what I like to see. It is starting to look like a small city out there right now, that means the word is out! I haven’t gotten an up to date size report on the Walleyes, but I will get that info tonight and hopefully I will be able to get out and do some fishing on Sunday to give everyone a first hand look at the conditions and the fish…come on Sunday!

Announcements…If you’re looking for some great ice fishing deals, checkout the current December specials we are offering on our website We are running a December special that will give you a discount on packages purchased for January and February 2010. The specials will only last through the rest of December…you can’t beat them! Also, every Vikings game this season, we will have drink special, specials on our bar dining menu, and prizes to give away. This will make for some pretty crazy Sunday afternoon/nights and Monday nights…LETS GO VIKINGS!!!!
Daily Fishing Report: Tonight should be variably cloudy with light snow flurries possible, low 1F with winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow we should see some snow flurries or snow

showers, high 12F with winds light and variable. Tomorrow night should be variably cloudy with light snow flurries possible, low -4F with winds N at 10 to 15 mph. Sunday we should have snow flurries early; cloudy with a few snow showers possible later in the day, it will be cold, high 7F with winds NW at 5 to 10 mph…there will be a 30% chance of snow. Monday we should see snow showers at times, highs in the upper single digits and lows -4 to -8F. Tuesday we should see a few snow showers, highs in the low single digits and lows -9 to -13F. As of today we start moving the houses out on the lake (west side of Pine Island). The fishing report today will come from one of our ice guides/instructors (Jake “of the Woods” Magness, and he is currently out fishing as I’m writing the report and I just got off the phone

with him. He is having great luck fishing in 18-20 feet of water, directly out from Morris Point Gap, which is right where we plan on putting our houses at this time. The ice thickness out there is currently 9 inches and growing every hour. Tonight again should be nice and chilly to add a couple more inches. I will hopefully be out fishing this Sunday, so I will have a first hand report and pictures on Monday. Please keep checking the report daily, because things always change, but as of this morning this is what we are anticipating. We look forward to seeing all of you up here very shortly. Don’t miss out on this great fishing that we’re having on Lake of the Woods…come visit us today at the Wigwam Resort on Lake of the Woods!
My shout out today will go to Tom Briggs (the owner of the Wigwam Resort) and Tom’s family.

Tom’s father, Mr. Barney Briggs (pictured on the right), is having congestive heart failure and not expected to make it much longer. Tom is currently with his father in Nisswa, MN for his final days. I wanted to let Tom, Barney, and the entire Briggs family know that all our thoughts and prayers are with you guys right now. May this tragic time be a time to reflect on all the joyful memories that you all have had from years past…these memories will be what you will carry with you for years to come…God Bless.
Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!
Wigwam Fisherman aka Jean-Paul Tessier
Wigwam Resort